Ensure you are looked after by those you trust
We feel that, in addition to a well-drafted will, a lasting power of attorney is an important element of long-term preparation.
An LPA will only come into effect when and if you lose the ability to make choices for yourself throughout your life. Unfortunately, the most prevalent causes of loss of capacity are dementia or a stroke.
The two types of LPA:
Personal finance — hiring somebody to make financial choices on your behalf (such as selling a house, paying bills and accessing bank accounts).
Personal welfare — selecting someone to determine exactly what sort care you need, where it will be provided, and who will provide it. It can often include concerns about life-sustaining therapy.
With both enduring powers of attorney, you can designate one or more individuals to handle your affairs if you are unable to do so. Having LPAs in effect prevents needless and expensive intervention by local authorities and the Court of Protection. Living wills guarantee that you are cared for by people who know you and have your best interests at heart. An LPA would be only effective if it is documented with the Office of the Pubic Guardian.
Most individuals will set up LPAs at the same time they write their will. This guarantees that your desires are honoured both throughout your lifetime and after your death.
Please feel free to contact us to discuss the creation and registration of your LPAs.