Why its very important to have an up-to-date Will.
As a result of failing to write a Will or having an up-to-date Will in place prior to death, a vast number of individuals in this country do not have a legitimate Will. Sadly, seven out of ten people who pass, may leave their loved ones with additional obstacles and delays in an already complex probate process. Unfortunately, this will all occur at a moment in their life when they are least prepared/ able to cope with them.
• If you die without a Will, the law will be obligated to govern how your property is distributed. This may or may not be in accordance with your desires. In some cases, this could potentially necessitate a spouse selling their property in order to contribute a portion of its worth to their children.
• In regard to your partner if you are not married, you will not automatically inherit each others assets.
• If you have children, you can specify in your Will who would be their Guardian if both you and your spouse/partner pass away. Without a valid Will, this can cause guardianship problems.
A valid Will also allows you to:
Make sure your family is aware of your funeral wishes.
Give particular individuals, charities, or even your pet presents or quantities of money.
Assign executors so that they can take care of your affairs right away.
As an associate of Prestige Legal Services we will prepare your Will and provide confidential, fully insured storage to guarantee that your will is easily accessible and your estate is properly managed when the moment arises.